Add Comment to a Conversation

Use the Front - Add Comment to a Conversation step to add comments to a conversation. Comments are only visible to Front users and not to the customer!

This is a great way to add context to a conversation by bringing in information from other systems that do not already have a Front integration - or add context derived by the Y Meadows AI.



Select a connection that contains the passwords or keys that are needed to access a specific Front instance. Since users can not enter secret information directly into the step input, a connection must be created in advance. Generally, connections are created by Administrators or IT Staff who have access to the necessary credentials.

Message ID

The Message ID can be used to specify which conversation the draft message is in response to. The draft message will always be a response to the last message in a conversation, even if a different message is specified by ID. The externalId output from a Message Retriever step that is connected to Front will contain the Message ID of a message. This is usually the value used for this input.

Users can provide EITHER a Message ID or a Conversation ID but are not required to provide both.

Conversation ID

The Conversation ID can be used to specify which conversation the draft message will be part of. The draft will always be a response to the last message in the conversation. Other Front steps may provide a Conversation ID that can be used to fill in this input. This step acts on a Front conversation but is able to figure out the conversation from a Message ID if one is provided. If users have a Conversion ID but not a Message ID this step will still work as expected.

If BOTH a Message and Conversation ID are provided the Conversation ID will be used.

Author Email Address

This is the email address of a "team mate" that has access to the channel. The created comment message will be associated with this team mate, but visible to everyone.

Comment Body

The body of the comment that will be added to the conversation. Plain text or Front Markup are both accepted in this input but note that plain text does not support line breaks. Emoji and @mentions are supported. Learn more about Front comment markup from their documentation.

Markup is preferred for all but the simplest messages.



A message about the step's execution that is often helpful in tracking down the cause of any errors.


This will be True if a comment was successfully added and False if one was not.

Last updated