Get Deal Info from Contact or Deal ID

The Hubspot - Get Deal Info from Contact or Deal ID step is used to look up the contents of any single field from a Hubspot deal. Typically, this information is used either for driving a decision later in the path or as value that gets passed to a different step.



Select a connection that contains the passwords or keys that are needed to access a specific Hubspot instance. Since users can not enter secret information directly into the step input, a connection must be created in advance. Generally, connections are created by Administrators or IT Staff who have access to the necessary credentials.

Contact ID (provide EITHER this or the Deal ID)

The Contact ID is usually found by using another step to look up a contact by email address or phone number. Note that it is only necessary to provide either a Contact ID OR a Deal ID but not both! If both are provided the Deal ID will be used. It is important NOT to use the contact ID in situations where multiple deals can possibly be associated with a single contact!

Deal ID (provide EITHER this or the Contact ID)

The Deal ID is usually found by using another step to look up a deal. See the notes above about providing only on or the other input.

Field To Retrieve

Enter the name of the Field/Property that should be returned. Don't forget to add quotes around the field name! This input expects the name/label that is visible in the UI, not the internal field name that is used in API calls.



The Deal ID is always returned so that it can be referenced by subsequent steps.


The contents of the deal field specified in Field To Retrieve will be placed in this output. If the field was empty this output will contain None. They type of the data may be converted to a string depending on the source data type for the field.


The "message" returned by this step is valuable mainly for troubleshooting when something goes wrong. It will contain a short message from Front about the success or failure of the attempt to archive the conversation. If trips are failing at this step users may be able to learn more about the reason for the failure by looking for the message in the trip report (found in the Analytics section of the application).

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