Go-To Step

Go-To Steps are one of several different “termination” steps that can be used at the end of any leg of a path. A Go-To Step is used to transfer the handling of a message to a different part of a path, often to skip over steps that are not needed in some cases. The only way to add a Go-To Step to a path is by converting an Exit Step into a Go-To Step using the action menu attached to the Exit Step. After opening the action menu, select the "change step" icon and select a Go-To Step from the Step Library.

A Go-To Step has no inputs or outputs and no action is performed other than to direct the message to the appropriate path later in the Journey. Go-To Steps have a special action on their tool menu that allows them to be converted into different types of termination steps. This is commonly done to convert an Exit Step into a Go-To Step which allows users to jump from one branch to another without having to rewrite other steps several times. This is a good way to skip over steps based on a Decision Step. When adding a new Go-To Step into a path select the step that the message will “go to” next. If the destination of the step needs to be changed for any reason, this can be done by using the step's tool menu to convert the step into another Go-To Step.

A Go-To Step can also be converted back into an Exit Step.

The Go-To Step is configured differently than most other steps. Instead of editing inputs you click on the step that you are linking to. After the first time a Go-To step has been configured, if you want to change the step you are linking to, use the edit iconic the step’s action menu to start that process.





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