The Junction Path

The Junction Path is a series of steps meant to prepare the message for the Y Meadows process. It is set up prior to the message being passed through the Junction (the AI model). The Junction Path contains the "Message Getter", which takes the messages from your system into the Path.

A common Junction Path might pull a message in and set the status of the ticket to "working" so that no one else picks up the ticket as well as other things like adding the ID of the case or the subject of the message.

To ensure that the Junction Path functions properly for different Intents, only use steps and inputs that would work for every use case scenario. For example, don't move a message to a service queue that might not be relevant to other intents.

Junction Path Steps:

The Junction Path always contains two pre-built steps:

  • The "Source Step": The Source Step refers to identifying what the message source is and where to get the messages from. For example, Salesforce is the Source, and the Message Getter can be set to "Get" from a specific queue or queues.

  • The "Junction": The Junction is merely a representation of the AI model and doesn't require any configuration.

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