Junction Processor Step

The Junction Processor Step is not available in the Step Library. Instead, a copy of this step is automatically present as the last step in any Junction Path. The purpose of the Junction Processor Step is to pass necessary information about the message onto later paths in a message’s journey.

There are several inputs that always need to be filled in with the same information as well as one additional, optional input. The optional input is intent and it is used when a message should not have an intent assigned by the Y Meadows AI model. This is important for use cases where it is possible to know the intent of a message in advance since the message can be sent to the correct Journey Path without stopping at the AI first. One example of how this might be used is if a certain mailbox was being monitored and all messages in that mailbox are expected to go down the same path. If users want the AI to process the message, leave the Intent input blank.

All the other inputs in the Junction Step will be filled in in the same way because they provide technical data that should always be available in a Journey.


Internal ID

Always fill this in with the internalId output from the Message Getter

External ID

Always fill this in with the externalId output from the Message Getter

Created Date

Always fill this in with the createdDate output from the Message Getter

Sender Name

Always fill this in with the senderName output from the Message Getter

Sender Email

Always fill this in with the senderEmail output from the Message Getter


Always fill this in with the subject output from the Message Getter

Message Body

Always fill this in with the body output from the Message Getter


This input is normally left blank so that the Intent for the message can be determined by the Y Meadows AI. In some cases users do not want the AI to determine intent and will instead put a specific Intent into this Input. The Intent chosen will determine which Journey Path the message will be routed to.


Not Applicable - this step has no outputs

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