The Fallback Path

The Fallback Path is a series pre-built steps that are added to Journeys to make sure messages can be redirected back to the general support queue for manual handling in the event of an error or when manual handling is required on a ticket.

The Fallback Path must be created before the system can function!

The Fallback Path is important to ensure that messages won't get stuck in a Journey loop or lost due to processing message. If a path is erroring out, the message will be sent for manual handling. The Fallback Path is also be used in the Reviews process if an agent deems that a message falls under a different category of intent and should be manually handled.

Only one Fallback Path can be active at a time as all messages that need to fall back are routed to a single path

The Fallback Path should strip a message of any previous handling or processing done by Y Meadows. You should not use the Fallback Path as a process other than an exit from a Journey or Junction Path so that it can function properly for any path you create.

The Fallback Path comes with two built-in steps:

  • Source Step

  • Resolution Steps

Both steps require no configuration, but additional steps can be added to the Fallback path.

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