Lookup Deal ID by Name

The Hubspot - Lookup Deal ID by Name step is used to look up a Deal ID for use in later steps when some portion of the Deal Name is known. The search text does not need to be an exact match, in fact the step will return multiple deal IDs if the text is matched in multiple deals. Returning multiple deals is mainly used as a check to make sure that the correct deal is being matched. If more than one deal is returned then the search text may not be specific enough but this will vary depending on the use case.



Users should select a connection that contains the passwords or keys that are needed to access a specific Front instance. Since users can not enter secret information directly into the step input, a connection must be created in advance. Generally, connections are created by Administrators or IT Staff who have access to the necessary credentials.

Search For

The text that should be matched to a deal name. This is a "loose" match so that the names does not need to be identical. Items such as punctuation are ignored and capitalization is not important.



Was a matching deal found? If at least one deal is found that is a close match for the Search For input then this will be set to True otherwise it will be set to False.


The dealID of the deal that most closely matches the Search For text. dealName The full name of the deal that most closely matches the Search For text.


The dealsObject output is a (standard python) dictionary containing other deals that were a close match to the Search For input. The keys of the dictionary are other dealId's that can be used to access the names of the deals. Note that the dealId and Name that are returned in the other outputs are NOT contained in the deaslObject.


The "message" returned by this step is valuable mainly for troubleshooting when something goes wrong. It will contain a short message from Front about the success or failure of the attempt to archive the conversation. If trips are failing at this step users may be able to learn more about the reason for the failure by looking for the message in the trip report (found in the Analytics section of the application).

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