Disabling or Enabling Users

Enabling or Disabling users in Y Meadows can be done by users with the Super Administrator role in the User Management Portal.

The super admin role is granted to the account admin by Y Meadows. If users feel like they should have that access, please speak to the account admin, or reach out to the support team.

The user list gives the Administrator details about each user, such as Name, Email. Roles, date created, and the user status (active or inactive).

Disabling Users

To disable a user in Y Meadows, Admin users should search or scroll to find the User they want to disable and toggle the Inactive/Active switch off. This will effectively make the User unable to login or access Y Meadows.

Enabling Users

To enable a user in Y Meadows, simply find the user and toggle the Inactive/Active toggle on.

Y Meadows default setting is to follow best practice of making users Inactive rather than deleting users, but users can add to the delete option for an account on request from the account Administrator.

Last updated