Exit Step

Exit steps are one of several different “termination” steps that can be used at the end of any leg of a Path. An exit step is used to indicate that a message is not going to continue on the current path and will, instead, return to the appropriate Fallback Path for final actions. This might happen if a message should not be handled by the path that it is on, or if the actions required need manual handling.

A standard Exit step has no Inputs or Outputs and no action is performed other than to direct the message to the appropriate Fallback Path.

Exit Steps have a special action on their tool menu that allows them to be converted to different types of termination steps. This is usually done to convert an Exit Step into a Go To Step. This allows someone building a Journey to jump from one branch to another and, in the process, avoid having to rewrite other steps several times. This is a good way to skip over steps based on a Decision Step.





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