Echo Step

The Y Meadows tool Echo step is a handy way to calculate the result of an expression for use as input to another step. This is useful when the same output will be used as an input multiple times.

The Echo step is limited to a single output which must contain only text. There is a related step (Echo List) that can be used to output an arbitrary list of outputs that may be more appropriate in some situations.

A common use for the echo step is to process a list of items using Python list comprehensions though there are many ways that it can be applied. For example, an echo step can be a great way to "look" at data from another step during testing and development.



Use any PyMeadows expression and include outputs from previous steps as needed. If the output of your expression is not expected to be a string remember to wrap it in the str() function (eg: str(['one', 'two', 'three']) )



The result of the evaluated expression which must be a string

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