Jira - Create a Jira Issue

The Jira - Create Jira Issue step allows users to create new tickets within workflows. The application facilitates specifying various ticket parameters, including project, issue type, summary, description, and additional fields.


The service requires the following inputs for creating a Jira ticket:

  • Project: The key of the project in which the ticket should be created.

  • IssueType: The type of issue to create (e.g., "Bug", "Task").

  • Summary: A brief summary of the issue.

  • Description: A detailed description of the issue.

  • ExtraFields: A dictionary of additional fields and their values to set on the issue.



The project key should match the identifier used in your Jira instance. For example, YM.


The issue type should be one of the types configured in the specified project in your Jira instance. Common examples include "Bug", "Task", and "Story".


The summary is a short, concise statement summarizing the issue. It should provide enough context to understand the issue at a glance.


The description provides a detailed account of the issue, including steps to reproduce if applicable, expected outcomes, and any other relevant details.


The ExtraFields input allows for specifying additional fields that are required or optional for the issue type in the specified project. This input should be a dictionary where keys are field names or IDs, and values are the field values. For example:

  "customfield_12345": "Value",
  "Environment": "Production"

Example Input

  "project": "YM",
  "issueType": "Bug",
  "summary": "Example issue summary",
  "description": "This is a detailed description of the example issue.",
  "extraFields": {
    "customfield_12345": "Value",
    "Environment": "Production"


The service responds with the creation status, including success or failure, and the newly created ticket's ID and key.

  • Message: A message indicating the success or failure of the ticket creation.

  • Success: A boolean value indicating whether the ticket creation was successful.

  • TicketId: The unique identifier of the newly created ticket.

  • TicketKey: The key of the newly created ticket.

Example Output

Success scenario:

  "message": "Success.",
  "success": true,
  "ticketId": "10002",
  "ticketKey": "YM-24"

Failure scenario:

  "message": "Additional fields failed {\"Environment\": \"Invalid\"}.",
  "success": false

Last updated