Return Conversation Information

The Front - Return Conversation Information step makes it possible to get information about the common fields in a Front Conversation. The Conversation is accessed using either the Conversation ID OR the Message ID of any message in the conversation. Each property of the conversation is returned individually for use as inputs to later steps.



Select a connection that contains the passwords or keys that are needed to access a specific Front instance to use. Since users can not enter secret information directly into the step input, a connection must be created in advance. Generally, connections are created by Administrators or IT Staff who have access to the necessary credentials.

Message ID

The externalId output from a Message Retriever step that is connected to Front will contain the Message ID of the message. This is usually the value used for this input.

Users do NOT need to provide both a Message ID and a Conversation ID but one of them must be provided.

Conversation ID

Other Front steps may provide a Conversation ID that can be used to fill in this input. This step acts on a Front conversation but is able to figure out the conversation from a Message ID if one is provided. If users have a Conversion ID but not a Message ID this step will still work as expected.

If BOTH a Message and Conversation ID are provided then the Conversation ID will be used.


Front is a fluid and dynamic application where things can happen quickly. All of the information returned by this step represents a point-in-time. It is possible that a conversation can be reassigned, moved, changed, updated at any time so keep that in mind when thinking about how to make use of this information in an automation.


If the conversation is assigned to a Front user, that user's email will be in this field. This can be used to direct messages to different automations depending on who they are assigned to. When the messages is unassigned this will be empty (None)


If the conversation is assigned to a Front user, that user's ID will be in this field. This can be used to direct messages to different automations depending on who they are assigned to. When the messages is unassigned this will be empty (None)


The name of the inbox that the message was in.


The "message" returned by this step is valuable only for troubleshooting when something goes wrong. It will contain a short message from Front about the success or failure of the attempt to add tags to the conversation. If trips are failing at this step users may be able to learn more about the reason for the failure by looking for the message in the trip report (found in the Analytics section of the application)


The status of the conversation.


This will contain a list of the names of all tags that are associated with the conversation. If users want to know if a specific tag is tied to a conversation it can be checked in any expression like this:

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