Reply to Conversation

The Help Scout - Reply to Conversation step generates a reply to a conversation and adds addresses via both CC and BCC actions. It can also be used to create a draft version of a reply without having to send that draft.



Select a connection that contains the passwords or keys that are needed to access a specific Help Scout instance. Since users cannot enter secret information directly into the step, a connection must be created in advance. Generally, connections are created by Administrators or IT Staff who have access to the necessary credentials.

Conversation ID:

The 'source' step in the Journey should provide the Conversation ID in the ExternaIID output. That can be used to fill in this input.


The body of the email message can include simple HTML formatting (including lists, headings, tables, etc.) but inline styles should be avoided as they will cause security errors when attempting to send the message.


This True/False field indicates if the message should be sent directly or if it should be created as a Draft message. A value of False will cause the message to be sent.


This input should contain the email addresses of anyone that should be added to the message on a "CC" and must be formatted as a list (per standard python formatting) if it contains one or more values. Include only the email addresses ( as opposed to <Bill Huang;> ), wrapped in quotes and separated by commas. EG: ['', '']


Identical to the CC: field except that the addresses listed will be used in the BCC line of the outgoing email.



If the step successfully removes the association between the contact and the deal it will return a True value, otherwise this output will be False.


The "message" returned by this step is valuable mainly for troubleshooting when something goes wrong. It will contain a short message from Help Scout about the success or failure of the attempt to archive the conversation. If trips are failing at this step users may be able to learn more about the reason for the failure by looking for the message in the trip report (found in the Analytics section of the application).

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